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정형외과 윤호현 Clin Orthop Relat Res The Safe Zone Range for Cup Anteversion Is Narrower Than for Inclination in THA, 2018 Feb;476(2):325-335. 4.329
재활의학과 *이원민, **김대현 NeuroReport Bilateral hemispheric changes and language outcomes in chronic left hemisphere stroke, 2018 Jan 3;29(1):30-35 1.266
재활의학과 *이원민, **김대현, 양희승 NeuroReport Bilateral hemispheric changes and language outcomes in chronic left hemisphere stroke, 2018 Jan 3;29(1):30-35. 1.837
정형외과 *여의동, **정보미, 김은주, 김완태 Skeletal Radiol Infiltrating angiolipoma of the foot : magnetic resonance imaging features and review of the literature, 2018 Jun;47(6):859-864. 2.199
안과 *설보람 J Glaucoma In Reply: Comparison of Glaucoma Progression Between Unilateral and Bilateral Disc Hemorrhage Eyes and Associated Risk Factors for Progression, 2018 Jun;27(6):e121-e122. 2.447
방사선종양학과 박소연 Physica Medica Improvement of VMAT plan quality for head and neck cancer with high resolution fluences generated by couch shift between arcs, 2018 Feb;46:1-6. 2.685
영상의학과 *조윤구 Gut and Liver Non-hypervascular Hypointense nodules on hepatocyte phase Gadoxetic acid-enhanced MR images : transformaion of MR hepatiobiliary hypointense nodules into hypervascular hepatocellular carcinomas, 2018 Jan 15;12(1):79-85. 2.849
재활의학과 도경희 Spine (Phila Pa 1976) Comparison of Intra-articular Thoracic Facet Joint Steroid Injection and Thoracic Medial Branch Block for the Management of Thoracic Facet Joint Pain, 2018 Jan 15;43(2):76-80. 3.468
가정의학과 *박영윤, **이준용, 정영진, 문나연, 방인호, 김현주, 윤경숙, 김용이, 전태희 Supportive Care in Cancer The influence of family adaptability and cohesion on anxiety and depression of terminally ill cancer patients, 2018 Jan;26(1):313-321. 3.603
방사선종양학과 박소연 Strahlenther Onkol Air-electron stream interactions during magnetic resonance IGRT : Skin irradiation outside the treatment field during accelerated partial breast rradiation, 2018 Jan;194(1):50-59. 3.621
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